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июнь 25, 2003 | Nation


New gesture from Athens to boost relations * The itinerary of the Greek Deputy Foreign Minister Ioannis Magriotis, who arrived in Baku last week for one-day visit, was grueling. The mission was to produce a report by Greece on work done in Azerbaijan and as a gesture to strengthen bilateral relations, as well as advance mutual confidence. * Greece held the European Union (EU) presidency over the past six months. * Taking into account the close relations between Athens and Yerevan, as well as the...... полностью
июнь 18, 2003 | Nation


President praises Salvation festivities * "The high-level festivities organized on the occasion of Salvation Day actually mirrored the country's stable political situation and the public mood," President Heydar Aliyev said in a meeting with governmental officials at the Presidential Palace on Monday. The President watched the concert on TV organized in the National Park, expressing his delight with its program. * However, he did not conceal his dissatisfaction with poor fireworks show of the fe...... полностью
май 14, 2003 | Nation


* Milli Maclis to revise Electoral Code * Wednesday's session of Milli Maclis (parliament) started with a minute-lasting commemoration of the 11th anniversary of the occupation of Susa, a picturesque town with choice position in the Upper Qarabag region. * Afterwards deputies proceeded with discussion of the draft Electoral Code, with some MPs voicing negative opinion on relevant remarks by international organisations. * A majority of the speakers came out in favour of the original wording of t...... полностью
апрель 1, 2003 | Nation


* President opens renovated orthodox church * President Heydar Aliyev, leaders of religious communities in Azerbaijan, and Russian Ambassador Nikolay Ryabov took part on Monday in the opening ceremony of the  cathedral church  of Jen-Mironosets, which has been recently repaired. A message by Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexi II was read out at the ceremony. The message expresses gratitude to the Azerbaijani government for its attention to the church. * Congratulating orthodox ...... полностью
март 20, 2003 | Nation


President returns home * President Heydar Aliyev returned from an official visit to the United States, late at night on March 14. * "Don't worry a bit, I am perfectly healthy and feel very well," he said to the media at Bina airport. * Referring to detailed press reports on the official part of the visit and the treatment he underwent at the Cleveland hospital, the president, however, said he had nothing to add. "Let no one believe, Heydar Aliyev is ill," he said. * He noted that despite being ...... полностью
март 12, 2003 | Nation


* Russia sides up to Azerbaijan before Chechen vote * Russian ambassador in Baku Nikolay Ryabov prioritised the concept of national territorial integrity, referring specifically to the occupied Azerbaijani lands in Upper Karabagh, in statements in the run up to the March 23 Chechen referendum. * Devolution on the table * "Russia is willing to grant maximum independence to Chechnya within Russia", ambassador Nikolay Ryabov told a news conference on the upcoming referendum. * "As a result of the ...... полностью
февраль 26, 2003 | Nation


* President changes parliamentary regulations * The law on addenda and changes to internal regulations of Milli Maclis (Azeri parliament) becomes effective on February 22. According to Saturday's official newspapers, the President has already approved the draft law. * The document was discussed during the fall session of parliament. In addition to several editing changes, some MPs opposed reducing parliamentary meetings from once a week to twice a month. This question also interested Andreas Gr...... полностью
февраль 19, 2003 | Nation


  140 Azerbaijanis appeal to European court * Chairman of the European Human Rights Court Luzius Vildkhaver said in a meeting with the Azerbaijani Parliamentary Speaker Monday that the European court had received some 140 appeals from Azerbaijani citizens. * According to him, if international law norms were observed in local courts, it would ease the work of European courts. Reacting to this point, Murtuz Alasgarov said that all Azerbaijani legislative acts were sent to the Council of Euro...... полностью
февраль 11, 2003 | Nation


* New Indian ambassador to Azerbaijan appointed * The Indian embassy in Azerbaijan has notified AssA-Irada that Jyoti Svarup Pande, 52, was appointed as new Indian ambassador to Azerbaijan. Pande has worked for the Indian Foreign Ministry as second and third secretary at the Indian embassies in Brazil and Malaysia. Azerbaijan is the first country, where he will take up the position of ambassador. * The newly-appointed ambassador speaks English and Portugese, as well as his native language, Hin...... полностью
январь 29, 2003 | Nation


Aliyev for informal CIS summit * Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev left for Kiev on January 28 to attend an informal CIS summit initiated by Russian and Ukrainian presidents. * Aliyev was invited to the Summit by CIS executive secretary Yuri Yarov during his recent visit to Baku. * The summit will center on economic issues, including the setting up of free trade zones, Aliyev told  journalists at the Bina airport of Baku. * Briefing * Answering journalists' questions, the Azerbaijani Presiden...... полностью
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