12 окт.
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среда, март 12, 2003



Russia sides up to Azerbaijan before Chechen vote
Russian ambassador in Baku Nikolay Ryabov prioritised the concept of national territorial integrity, referring specifically to the occupied Azerbaijani lands in Upper Karabagh, in statements in the run up to the March 23 Chechen referendum.
Devolution on the table
"Russia is willing to grant maximum independence to Chechnya within Russia", ambassador Nikolay Ryabov told a news conference on the upcoming referendum.
"As a result of the referendum on adoption of the new constitution in Chechnya, it will receive sovereignty within Russia and a right to independence in international economic and humanitarian activities, This will not contravene Russian sovereignty," Nikolay Ryabov said in an interview with journalists last week.
The ambassador added that considering Chechen sensitivities, the new constitution contained the concept of citizen of the Chechen Republic. Nikolay Ryabov urged Chechen refugees in Azerbaijan to return home for voting. He also said members of the Azerbaijani Central Electoral Commission had been invited to observe the referendum.
Shrewd diplomacy
The strong statement in support of Azerbaijani territorial integrity by the ambassador some pundits explain as a Russian desire for diplomatic support from Azerbaijan on the eve of Chechen referendum. Moreover, it is even alleged that Russia wants Azeri support in urging Chechen refugees in Azerbaijan to cast their vote.
"We recognize the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, consider Upper Qarabag to be an integral part, and support negotiated settlement of the conflict in accordance with international principles."
Furthermore, he said Russia concurred with UN and OSCE resolutions on Upper Qarabag. He added that UN had issued resolutions confirming the presence of terrorists in Chechnya, while there is no such documents concerning Upper Qarabag.

Parliamentary by-elections
By elections for three vacant deputy seats in Milli Maclis (parliament) were conducted at the Qaradag, Ismayilli and Xanlar-Daskasan constituencies on Wednesday. Seven candidates representing the opposition and four independants. The Central Electoral Commission of Azerbaijan has told AssA-Irada that 39.29 per cent of voters participated in the process as per the latest data available.
The elections were reported to have been observed by more than 100 representatives of the Council of Europe, the International Foundation for Election Systems, the Ukrainian Central Electoral Commission, the US, Norwegian, British and other embassies in Azerbaijan.
The information center for the Central Electoral Commission has informed AssA-Irada that unannounced results of the re-elections for Milli Maclis are available. As per the latest figures on March 6, leading the vote are Alqis Musayev (74.14 per cent) in the Qaradag constituency, Qudrat Hasanquliyev (70.73) in Ismayilli, and Sadman Huseynov in the Xanlar- Daskasan constituency.
Official figures will be announced in eight days.

New schools put into service for refugees
Two secondary schools equipped with teaching equipment have been built for refugees from Armenian-occupied Lacin and Cabrayil districts settled in Sumqayit with the financial support of BP Azerbaijan. At the inauguration ceremony on March 8, BP Azerbaijan vice president Roger Nann said the company would go on providing educational assistance to refugees and IDPs. The project was realized in joint efforts by BP Azerbaijan and local NGO - Humanitarian and Social Assistance Center Umid.

OSCE MG discussed Qarabag conflict in Washington 
The co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group (MG) met in Washington, D.C., on March 7-8 to discuss new solutions to the Qarabag conflict.
During a recent meeting in Washington, US co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group Rudolf Perina briefed Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev about new proposals on conflict resolution.
The participants discussed the date of their next visit to Upper Qarabag as well, Novruz Mammadov, head of the international relations department of the Azerbaijani Presidential Administration, told AssA-Irada.
Among the co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group are representatives of the US, Russia, and France.

Romanian delegation to Azerbaijan
A Romanian delegation led by Florentin Skavitski, a human rights activist, has been visiting Baku since March 10. The purpose of the visit is to prepare a report on the state of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Azerbaijan, and submit it to the United Nations (UN), the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the Council of Europe (CoE), and the European Union (EU).
Following the announcement, Romanian ambassador to Azerbaijan Tasin Jamil told AssA-Irada he was sure the paper to be drawn up by his compatriots would mirror thoroughly the conditions Azerbaijani refugees and IDPs are forced to accept.
 Florentin Skavitski was condemned to death during the reign of Cauchesku, but was restored after the overthrow of the Communist leader's regime. Ever since he has been heading Romania's Organisation of Human Rights Protection.

$182m required for mine clearing
"$182m is required to clear mines from liberated Azerbaijani territory". This figure was announced at a briefing conducted by Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Clearing ANAMA and the UNDP. Head of ANAMA Nazim Ismayilov said that 1.2m sq.m of land in four regions had been demined last year. According to him, financiers of this project included Great Britain, Italy, the European Commission.
Established by a presidential decree issued in 1998, ANAMA has so far spent $7m for mine clearing operations in Fuzuli, Goranboy, Agstafa and Xanlar districts.
The UN Resident Coordinator in Azerbaijan, Marko Barsotti also took part in the briefing.

Illegal gazelle hunter caught red-handed
Mansur Mammadov, from Salyan District of Azerbaijan, was caught red-handed selling a rare gazelle included in the Red Book. In his explanation to inspectors of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, he confessed to hunting the gazelle on the territory of state natural preserve Sirvan. The ministry's press service has told AssA-Irada that by hunting a gazelle, Mammadov caused damage valued at AZM1,155,000 to the nature. Materials relating to the case have been compiled and submitted to the law-enforcement  bodies.

Azeri PM en route to Russia
Prime Minister Artur Rasizada is to attend a meeting of CIS premiers, scheduled for April 25 in Russia, according to a Cabinet source. At the meeting, the premiers are set to approve the 2003 work plan, and talk over amendments and addenda introduced to the draft document on setting up CIS Free Economic Zones, ways of raising GDP generated by CIS countries, exchange of information in the sphere of science and technology and carrying out relevant joint studies, a draft program on cooperation in the field of amelioration and irrigation, etc. The meeting is also expected to discuss and approve the agenda for the summit of CIS heads of state, which is expected to be held in Saint-Petersburg, on May 29 to 30.

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