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среда, май 14, 2003



Milli Maclis to revise Electoral Code
Wednesday's session of Milli Maclis (parliament) started with a minute-lasting commemoration of the 11th anniversary of the occupation of Susa, a picturesque town with choice position in the Upper Qarabag region.
Afterwards deputies proceeded with discussion of the draft Electoral Code, with some MPs voicing negative opinion on relevant remarks by international organisations.
A majority of the speakers came out in favour of the original wording of the bill providing for the forming of a 21-member electoral commission.
Some deputies went yet further, saying that proposals by the Council of Europe's Venice Commission are unacceptable and intended to frustrate the upcoming elections.
Wrapping up discussions, MPs have forwarded the bill to the standing commissions on human rights and legal policy and state arrangement, to work it (draft) out in a new wording.
British praise
The British Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Andrew Tucker, has said he is aware of proposals forwarded by European experts to the draft Electoral Code and praises them. In his interview with AssA-Irada on Wednesday, the ambassador said he will be pleased if the opposition also supports the proposals. Moreover, Mr. Tucker stressed that he will back a final decision based on mutual confidence of political forces in Azerbaijan.
During the parliamentary discussions of the draft Electoral Code, opposition leaders objecting to the decision that the commission is to be composed of 21 members, also  repudiated Council of Europe Venice Commission recommendations on the draft law to include 16 persons. Governmental officials referred to the issue as the usual approach  of the opposition. "This is characteristic of the opposition's  nature" said the deputy executive secretary of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party,  Bahar Muradova, in her interview with AssA-Irada. " Even if the proposals coincided with the interests of opposition leaders,  they  would  inevitably  fabricate excuses for the their  electoral failures and cast doubt on the results of the presidential elections in Autumn " she added. The presumption, that the submission of recommendations to the parliamentary commission for re-discussion will result in a change of the presidential  election date, is considered groundless by the ruling party official. " The reason we rushed the adoption of the Electoral Code before the election is that we follow recommendations from the Council of Europe and other international organizations we are cooperating with,  to adopt  the law  six months prior to the presidential elections. But now the decision is canceled. The focus was on the adoption of the law in accordance with an agreement between the sides to participate in the election. I  hope that we still have time and be able to pass the law four months before the election date" said Bahar Muradova.

Opposition: Power vacuum in Gov't
Heads of the parties forming the Co-ordinating Centre of Opposition held the next meeting in turn at the residence of the Azerbaijan Democratic Party on Wednesday.
The meeting focused on proposals the Council of Europe's Venice Commission has made on the draft Electoral Code.
A centre-based source told AssA-Irada that in view of the similarity of many provisions of the draft to proposals by the opposition, they [parties] support the proposed format to form a 16-member electoral commission. Regarding this as meeting interests of all sides concerned, the meeting participants have commissioned opposition MPs with informing the Milli Maclis leadership of the above-mentioned decision. However, the centre had to gather anew, following heated debates on the Venice Commission's proposals, when some deputies regarded them as interfering in the internal affairs of Azerbaijan. Besides, parliamentarians have sent the draft Electoral Code to competent standing commissions, for revision. At the new meeting, opposition leaders have blamed the government for triggering the general state of affairs in the country, following the absence of President Aliyev. Explaining the developments as a 'vacuum' in the government, opposition condemned the ruling circles for failing to meet the commitments the country has made to the Council of Europe.
Rally commitment
A meeting of the leaders of the parties forming the Co-ordinating Centre of Opposition held at the residence of the National Independence Party of Azerbaijan on Thursday, proceeded with discussions of the draft Electoral Code.
Regarding as unacceptable the provision for allowing the ruling New Azerbaijan Party to appoint 6 members of each election commission, opposition leaders insisted on 3 places, claiming that no real bipartisan takes a seat at Milli Maclis (parliament). The participants accepted holding discussions over the bill, with participation of representatives from the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, and the Council of Europe, as well as governmental and opposition experts.
At the end of the meeting it was announced that a rally-march scheduled for May 18 will be held by no means.

Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia to discuss interparliamentary relations
A delegation led by Saudi Speaker Saleh bin Abdullah bin Humeid will arrive in Baku on June 10, Azerbaijani Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Elman Arasli told AssA-Irada.
The delegation is expected to have a meeting with Milli Maclis (parliament) leadership, to talk over the development of interparliamentary relations between the two countries.
The Saudi delegation is also planning to meet Azerbaijani state and governmental officials.
"Relations between Azerbaijan and Saudi Arabia are developing on a higher level. This country regularly rejected Armenia's appeals to set up diplomatic ties with Yerevan until resolution of Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Upper Qarabag and liberation of the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. Besides, within UN and Islamic Conference Organisation, Saudi Arabia has always supported the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, giving it full political support."

Gov’t on flood alert following snowmelt
"The Azerbaijani government has not applied to any banks or other financial institutions for financial aid to respond high water disaster. The endorsement of credit projects is a long-term procedure and regardless of a bank's reliability, any project takes 2-3 years to complete. Thus, disaster-affected people will have to wait for another two years," Deputy Prime Minister Abid Sarifov told AssA-Irada.
To tackle the existing problem, Azerbaijan has appealed to America through the USA embassy, and the UN and Japanese government. The official went on to say that after high-water receded the outbreak of various diseases might occur in inundated areas. Another reason for anxiety is that the Mingacevir water reservoir is overfilling in the wake of short-time high water following snowmelts in highlands. Therefore, the government should be prepared to overcome the impending challenge in advance. Thus, adobe housings, which are situated nearby the banks of the Kur River, are likely to be destroyed if affected by high water anew.
"The damage caused by high water is being assessed, whereupon [Azerbaijan] will ask different states for aid," the deputy prime minister said, noting that the total losses amount currently to AZM2bn.
More spendings
The government is expected to take extra measures to respond to high water, following the long-lasting nature of the disaster.
In his interview with AssA-Irada, Finance Minister Avaz Alakbarov said that for this purpose additional funds will be allocated from the Surplus Fund. According to him, the State Committee on Amelioration and Water Economy will get the extra funding of AZM3bn, with the State Commission on Emergency Situation to receive AZM800m.
The minister also noted that the Surplus Fund has an annual budget of AZM75bn, out of which AZM30bn has already been mobilized.

European Commission group to meet in Baku
The European Commission-Azerbaijan Cooperation Committee will meet at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Baku on June 9. For this purpose, a delegation led by director of the European Commission General Directorate on newly independent states, Huge Mingarelli, will arrive in Baku. Azerbaijan's representative at the European Union (EU), Ambassador Arif Mammadov told AssA-Irada that during the meeting with Azerbaijani officials the EC delegation will discus issues on future cooperation. Arif Mammadov said that the visit will be the last trip via the EU to Azerbaijan in 2003.
During their visits on June 5-6, EU high ranking experts Solana and Patten as well as foreign ministers of the past, present and future EU chairing countries - Anna Palacio (Spain), Georgios Papandrew (Greece), and Franko Frattini (Italy) will discuss prospects of TRACECA.

Late President's birthday preparations underway
Members of the commission for former President Abulfaz Elcibay's 65th birthday have applied to the Union of Editors for support in organising a conference, Elcibay and media, and publishing of special issue A. Elcibay-65, and establishing the same headlines in the periodical press.
At its Monday meeting at the Baku Press Club, the Union of Editors discussed the issue. Heads of the Azadliq, Cumhuriyyet, Yeni Musavat, Zerkalo, Exo, and other newspapers aid they will provide financial and staff assistance to the publication of the special issue.
Mehriban Vazir and Adalat Tahirzada will lead preparation of the A. Elcibay-65 special issue.

Caspian nations agree to Almaty meeting
Deputy foreign ministers of the Caspian littoral states are participating at a meeting of the working group on the Caspian legal status, in Almaty, the former capital of Kazakhstan, until May 14.
During the meeting the sides are proceeding with a draft convention on the Caspian legal status.
Determination of co-ordinates across the median line to divide the sea into national sectors is a focal issue of the meeting discussions, joined by Azerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister Xalaf Xalafov. In the event of an agreement on this issue, constituting the basis of the convention to be signed by the presidents of the littoral states, the schedule of a summit of heads of the Caspian nations will be put on the Almaty meeting's agenda.

Azerbaijan, Germany to boost military co-op
On Monday, the Defense Minister, Col-Gen Safar Abiyev  received a delegation from the  German Defense Ministry headed by Brigadier General Yurgen Borneman, also the chief  of the military policy and arms control department at the Federal Armed Forces Staff. At  the meeting Safar Abiyev informed the visitors of achievements in state building of Azerbaijan, the army, integration with European and other nations worldwide, cooperation in the framework of Nato's Partnership for Peace program as well as other issues. The visitor expressed his gratitude to the Azerbaijani defense minister  for his warm reception and noted that the visit is to conduct military and political talks between the two countries.
The  Defense Ministry press office told AssA-Irada  that the parties found it necessary to sign a document on bilateral military cooperation.
The Germany Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Claus Qrevlix also participated in the meeting.

Constitutional court expand ties with Germany
A German judiciary delegation headed by President of the Federal Constitutional Court (FCC) Hans Yurgen Papyer visited Baku last week. The guests held talks with heads of Azerbaijani law-enforcement bodies, at the Constitutional Court.
Stressing that the Azerbaijani side derives benefit from the experience of the FCC, Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan Xanlar Haciyev noted the importance of continuing such visits. Addressing individual complaints to the Constitutional Court, Mr. Papyer noted this procedure has long been existent in his country, praising the decision to allow citizens of Azerbaijan to enjoy this right too. The procedures for lodging complaints were also in focus.

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