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Все записи | Arts & Culture
четверг, март 20, 2003

Arts & Culture


Azeri diva to play Toska on Bolshoi Theatre stage
Soloists of the Azerbaijani State Theatre of Opera and Ballet will perform, for the first time, at the famous Bolshoi Theatre of Moscow, Russia. Opera diva Qarina Karimova and Honoured Opera Singer Akram Poladov are expected to play the leading parts, Toska and hangman respectively, in the Toska opera performance on the accompaniment of the Bolshoi Theatre's troupe.
The Azeri theatre officials and Russian Culture Minister Mikhail Shvedkoi agreed during the Days of Azerbaijan Culture in Moscow to take needed steps to get the idea realised.
The Azeri theatre told AssA-Irada that its director Akif Hasanov and head of the Bolshoi Theatre, Anatoliy Iksanov are currently holding talks over the issue in Moscow.

Baku to host performance by British poets
Two renowned British performance poets, Francesca Beard and Malika Booker, and guitar and harmonica player Piers Faccini will arrive in Baku in the near future.The British Council told Azernews that the British visitors would perform, at the Kapellhaus on 27 March, and Khazar University's Dunya Theatre on 28 March.
The distinguished guests, with a standing reputation of workshop facilitators, will as well run a creative writing master class for students of the literature and linguistic departments of various state-run and private universities in Baku. The poets use their own experiences to create stimulating workshops which aim to channel the individual imagination of each student within the group.
Francesca Beard, a performance poet, lyricist and musician, has been called the third British queen of performance poetry. Francesca's work is funny, laid-back and examines themes of love, relationships and observational commentaries on the world. She has performed all over the world, from the Edinburgh Fringe to the Nuyorican Cafe in New York via Cithea in Paris, and has had her work published in various anthologies and magazines.
Writer and performer Malika Booker embraces literature, education and cross-arts in her works. Malika's work ranges from theatre scripts to oral storytelling through poetry and monologues. She has internationally represented British writing in many countries as diverge as Slovenia (City of Women Festival), Italy, USA, Holland and Switzerland. Malika was one of the touring poets of "Bittersweet", featuring ten female poets who toured the UK in 2000.
Francesca and Malika's work straddles traditional and contemporary literature. They bring their own brand of art and their unique style and experience to the stage. Through their work, they are radically changing the world of literature and the ways people view it.

Republican Palace website
The official presentation of an Internet site Respublika Palace, the country's grand concert hall, is scheduled for April 2003, with a wide concert programme of renowned singers to follow. The administration of the palace told AssA-Irada that the site, containing information on all concerts and recitals given, as well as parties arranged along the history of the palace, had been already set up. To arouse more interest, a photo-gallery has been placed on the site. The most interesting thing is that every visitor will enjoy an opportunity to vote for a singer, whose concert or recital they are willing to attend. For their part, the management of the palace will organise, upon availability, concerts or recitals of local or foreign celebrities.

French comic drawings at Baku show
The Author's Work exhibition of comic-genre drawings by modern French artists opened at the Qiz Qalasi art gallery in Baku on March 19.
A spokesperson for the French embassy, the organiser of the event told AssA-Irada that the show, to last 10 days, familiarised the visitors with more than 50 drawings by 10 artists.

Internet site for film directors
A new web site of the Azerbaijani Professional Directors Guild will open shortly. Film directors will have an opportunity to apply to international festivals and submit their films to competitions. The Guild has informed AssA-Irada that the site will provide information in Azeri, Russian and English about the life and careers of film and television directors. Updates on films being shot will also be available. In addition, the site will provide opportunities for protecting copyrights of Azerbaijani films.

Exhibitions to mark Novruz Holiday
An exhibition, Novruz-2003, opened at the Qala art gallery on March 17 displaying paintings from a competition held among children aging between 7-15 by the cultural department of Baku Mayor's office and the British Council. Winners of the 7-10 age group competition will be awarded diplomas and prizes at the opening ceremony of the exhibition. Winners of the 10-15 age group will attend free English courses at the British Council.
Today, the Azerbaijani Culture Ministry and the Union of Artists are having a joint exhibition called Novruz at the Sattar Bahlulzada show hall. The exhibition will display paintings, drawings and  art works by more than 100 authors.
The show-room has informed AssA-Irada that there also will be displayed paintings by young artists alongside well-known masters like Adil Rustamov, Mirismayil Cafarov, etc.

Joint concert by Azeri, Georgian musicians
Georgian musicians will give a concert at the Chamber Music Hall on March 28. The hall told AssA-Irada that Georgia's Honoured Artist Kunchiliya Maka (pianist) and Maysoratso Romani (violinist) will perform, on the accompaniment of the Azerbaijani State Chamber Orchestra, works by Azerbaijani, European and Georgian composers.

Novruz festivities in Ukraine
A variety of concert programs dedicated to the Novruz Holiday will be conducted in Kiev at the initiative of the Azerbaijani embassy in the Ukraine. The Baku Chamber Theater and the Cangi folklore band tour the Ukraine over March 18-25 on this occasion. The theater has informed AssA-Irada that Novruz celebrations in Kiev grew into a tradition.

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