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четверг, март 20, 2003

Bakuvians to celebrate Novruz


The Culture and Youth and Sports departments of Baku Mayor's office have prepared a series of undertakings on the occasion of Novruz Bayrami, a national holiday meaning exhilaration of nature. Festive arrangements are to take place in all parks and squares of the city on March 18, the last Tuesday on the eve of Novruz, and March 20 to 21. The official celebration is, as usual, scheduled for March 21 at the Ganclik square in front of the Qosa Qala (double) gates into the Old City. Then the venue will be moved with an extended concert programme to the Maiden's Tower, and ultimately, across the Neftcilar avenue, to the national park (boulevard), where the celebrations are to end.

The Mayor's office told AssA-Irada that the celebrations would also be accompanied by performances by folk ensembles, traditional festivities and dances around holiday fire, the essential feature of Novruz.

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