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Все записи | Arts In Brief
среда, март 12, 2003

Arts In Brief


Book to feature pearl of Azeri architecture
A new book on the Sirvansahlar Palace, which is one of the best examples of  Azerbaijani architecture from 14-15th centuries, is being prepared. Sevda Dadasova, the director of Sirvansahlar palace-museum complex, has told Azernews that the book (it) will provide information about nine monuments included in the complex and feature photos of interesting exhibits there. The book to be entitled Pearl of Azerbaijani architecture - Sirvansahlar, will be published on the occasion of the 40th jubilee of the museum. The Sirvansahlar Palace was officially registered as a museum in 1964.

Epic Cartoon being produced
Azanfilm has resumed filming of three-part cartoon Basat va Tapagoz, which started three years ago. The animation film is based on one of Azerbaijani folk epos Kitabi-Dada-Qorqud's 12 chapters, Basat's victory on Tapagoz.
The 27-minitute animation film produced for the Culture Ministry will be the first Azerbaijani computer cartoon, using AZM70m allocated from the state budget. The filming is to complete in October.

Antiquities in occupied lands
The International Council of Museums (ICM) will conduct a conference at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris on March 26. Preservation of historic exhibits in museums of the ICM member states, their exchange exhibitions and other issues will be discussed at the conference.
The ICM national coordinator in Azerbaijan and head of the Azerbaijan Carpets and Applied Arts Museum, Roya Tagiyeva has informed AssA-Irada that she will make a speech on the present situation of museums and destruction of historic monuments in the Armenian-occupied Azerbaijani lands, and raise the question of returning exhibits of more than 20 museums and about 40 show-rooms in the occupied areas.

Woman Image show
The Abseron gallery will open an exhibition of art works dedicated to women on March 19. The show called Woman Image will display over 70 works by 60 artists such as Sabina Sixlinskaya, Sara Manafova, and Tabriz Abdullayev. The gallery has told AssA-Irada that the exhibition is organized jointly with the UN Population Fund to last for one month.

Children's exhibition due
An exhibition entitled Thrive, native Azerbaijan opened at the exhibition hall after Vaciha Samadova on March 10. The handicrafts of children aged 6-15, who were the winners of the competition held by the Turkish embassy jointly with Azerbaijani State TV and Radio Company last month, were displayed at the exhibition.
The Union of Artists has informed AssA-Irada that six of them were awarded diplomas and prizes at the opening ceremony of the exhibition.

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