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Все записи | Arts & Culture
среда, февраль 26, 2003

Arts & Culture


Azeri-Indian festival
A festival of Azerbaijani-Indian cultural relations will be held on the initiative of the Rashid Behbudov Fund in May in Baku. The fund told AssA-Irada that the event would be organized on the occasion of 50th anniversary of great Azerbaijani singer,  who was known for his friendly relations with India. The musician made his first tour to India in 1952 and upon returning, shared his impressions in the book "In Far India", which is being translated into English. According to the fund's director, Kamil Sahverdiyev, many mementos from India were collected by Behbudov who had been there six times. All these exhibits and presents given to the singer will be shown within the festival framework. Nearly 200 rare photos taken by Rasid Behbudov in India in 1952 and exhibited only in Moscow in the same year will be displayed in Azerbaijan.
Nearly 3000 photos featuring India will be shown at the exhibition. A presentation on the eve of the event of a CD comprising songs Rasid Behbudov sang in Indian is intended. The son and daughter of a famous Indian actor and Behbudov's close friend, Raj Kapur, have been invited to the festival.
Historical monuments refurbished
According to the Ministry of Culture, restoration works on the 14-15th century Xan Bagi (Khan's garden) monument will commence in Nardaran this year. The project, including a main building, several facilities, a pool and two reservoirs, has already been prepared by the Azerbarpa Scientific Research Institute. The project is to be funded with AZM1bn allocated to the administration for protection, rehabilitation and use of historical and cultural monuments.
Tomb Restored
Restoration of the Hajji Abuturab tomb has begun in the Mardakan area of Baku. The monument constructed for Hajji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev by his Polish friend, architect Ploshka, was first damaged in the 1950s due to the weight that 27-ton dome on the top of the architectural building standing on the columns hewed from eight solid blocks. The density of the reinforced concrete dome is 30-40 sm thick. In 1980s, while the issue of restoring the monument decorated with verses from Koran and rare ornaments was raised, a commission from Moscow suggested demolition and reconstruction. As a result of efforts by Azerbaijani architects, who disagreed with this suggestion, the historical monument was temporarily reinforced by additional iron columns. A restoration project is now being discussed by the Academic Council of the Ministry of Culture. The monumental dome will be replaced by another of 7-9 sm thick. Other changes are not envisioned as the building is considered a unique architectural monument. The restoration works on the monument are hoped to be finished before the end of the year.

Ann Doherty Photography Exhibition
The British Council announces the arrival of South Caucasus: a common humanity photo exhibition by the British photographer, Ann Doherty, to be held from 28 February to 14 March 2003, at the "Sanat" Baku Arts Centre.
Doherty has been visiting the South Caucasus for the last few years, photographing ordinary people in their daily lives. Whether they come from Azerbaijan, Georgia or Armenia, these people all share common problems in the transition from a Soviet system to a free market economy.
This exhibition is being shown by the British Council in Baku, Tbilisi and Yerevan, and this is Ann's first exhibition in the Caucasus.
Master classes
The tenth anniversary of the British Council activity in Azerbaijan is due to be marked this year. To this end, several projects will be implemented in accordance with the program on strengthening cultural and public relations between Azerbaijan and Great Britain.
Doherty is also giving two-day master classes to over 30 Azerbaijani photographers at the Museum Center on February 25-27. At the end of the classes, Azerbaijani photographers will familiarize their British colleague with their new work.

Azeri thinker Immortalized in Uzbekistan
The newly-established Azerbaijan-Uzbekistan Cultural Center hosted a roundtable conference dedicated to bilateral cultural relations at the UN Resource Center in Baku on Wednesday. The center founded on February 15 will contribute to expanding ties between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, according to Fikrat Sabanov, head of the new entity. Currently, there are 35,000 Azerbaijani living in Uzbekistan, where the state TV channel broadcasts a half-hour long program in Azeri each month.
Mr. Sabanov said that culture days were planned for the future in both countries. Furthermore, an agreement has been reached to erect a bust of Azerbaijani poet and thinker Nizami Gancavi in front of the State Pedagogical Institute named after him in Uzbekistan. In addition, works by Azerbaijani and Uzbek poets and writers are to be published in both languages.
Speaking to the conference, head of the Azerbaijani National Culinary Center, Tahir Amiraslanov, pointed  to the similarity in national cuisine of both nations as well as their closeness in all fields of culture. 
Azerbaijani singer Simara Imanova, the winner of the Grand-Prix at the Oriental Songs festival held in Uzbekistan last year, spoke of Uzbeks great love for Azerbaijani folk songs and in particular, mughams.

Caspian Jazz, Blues Festival
The second International Jazz Festival will be held in May in Baku. The event to last from May 9 to May 15 is called Caspian Jazz and Blues Festival. Jazzmen from more than ten countries will take part in this festival. Representing Azerbaijan at the festival will be Bakustic Jazz, Jazz-quartet bands, Rain Sultanov and other musicians. Organized by the Minister of Culture, the festival will be supported by embassies accredited in Azerbaijan. The organizing committee has informed AssA-Irada that within the event night concerts will be held at the Jazz Club involving participants of the festival.

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