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Все записи | Arts In Brief
среда, февраль 19, 2003

Arts In Brief


Exhibition of handcrafts by the needy
The Azerbaijani Youth Assistance Foundation will organize on February 24-25 a sales exhibition of crafts by needy and vulnerable people. The exhibition will display decorative and household items made of different materials. Supported by the Noble Ladies Society, the event will also demonstrate works by disabled women.

German CD features Azeri compositions
Works by composers from various countries have been recorded on a new CD released by The German Symphonic Orchestra Dresden. This CD includes compositions by distinguished Azeri musician Fikrat Amirov. The CD is said to be brought to Azerbaijan shortly.

Xocali massacre through the eyes of a witness
An individual exhibition dedicated to the Xocali massacre will be conducted at the Qala art gallery of the cultural department of Baku Mayor's office. The exhibition called Menim Xocalim (My Xocali) will open on February 26 to display works recalling memories about Xocali by young artist Elgun Abdullayev. Elgun Abdullayev left Xocali while he was seven. Being an eyewitness to the tragedy, he reflected what he witnessed in his 30 paintings to be demonstrated at the exhibition supported by the Norwegian Refugee Council. It is the second exhibition of Elgun Abdullayev supported by the Council. Representatives of the Norwegian embassy in Azerbaijan are expected to attend the event.

National epic is screened
A full-length film, Koroglu, is being shot on the basis of the same name epos. Screenplay by Aydin Qurbanov and directed by Rovsan Almuradov, the film is produced by Aztelefilm production unit for the government. At the moment, shooting of the second part of the serial is nearing completion to be demonstrated via the state television late in February. The first part of the serial was screened in November last year. Head of Aztelefilm Vuqar Tapdiqli has told AssA-Irada that the film, shot in Gadabay, Tovuz, Samkir districts of Azerbaijan and Borcali region of Georgia, will be televised part by part as it undergoes montage gradually. Zohrab Mammadli and Zulfiyya Ibadova star the film as Koroglu and Nigar respectively. Koroglu, whose real name was Rovsan, is a national hero of Azerbaijan. He lived in XV-XVI centuries, Koroglu devoted his life to struggling against injustice and human rights abuse, championing ordinary people.

New play by Young spectators theater
The premiere of newly-staged play Haci Qara by Azerbaijani dramatist Mirza Fatali Axundov will be conducted at the Young Spectators Theater in March. The play is directed by Bahram Osmanov. It is the fist time the Young Spectators Theater will stage Haci Qara.
The founder of the Azerbaijani dramaturgy, poet and writer Axundov was fluent in Turkic, Arabic and Persian. The Russian media dubbed him the Moliere of Azerbaijan.

Theater actors to attend Black Sea festival
An international theater festival will be conducted in Trabzon, Turkey, in May. Azerbaijan has also been invited to the event alongside theater collectives from Black Sea countries. Representing Azerbaijan will be a cast from the state Academic Drama Theater to present Hamlet by Shakespeare. Directed by Azarpasa Nematov, the play will star well-known actors Fuad Poladov, Yasar Nuri, Rafael Dadasov, Sanubar Isgandarli. The play has been invited to several other festivals.

Exhibition combining fashion, graphic styles opens
Artist-designer Safura Abbasova opened her first personal exhibition at the Azerbaijan Miniature Arts Center on Monday to display over 35 fashion and graphic works. The young artist combines elements of European, national and Chinese dress styles in his works dedicated to fashion. Two dresses devoted to the topic of Fire Lands, combining national and modern styles, were displayed by models. Supported by the Union of Artists, the exhibition is to last for a week.

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