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среда, сентябрь 4, 2002

Opposition to resume protests


Major opposition parties have opted to unite in the common front against the authorities and hold a rally-march to protest the referendum results.

The opposition will march from the 20 January underground station to the former Qabala cinema in Baku from 16:00 till 18:00 on 14 September in what observers predict will be a larger protest.

“Apart from trying to have the results of the referendum voided, we will also work to achieve free and fair presidential elections”, Musavat leader Isa Qambar was quoted as saying.

Repeal urged

The Board of Chairmen of the United Opposition Movement adopted an appeal to the UN Human Rights Committee, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the OSCE, and embassies, calling for refusal to recognize the outcomes of the 24 August referendum, which the board says was falsified.

The Movement united 28 political parties, including the major opposition parties Musavat, the National Independence Party, the Popular Front Party, Adalat, etc.

Earlier, twenty six opposition parties adopted a statement in a meeting of the Coordination Council for Referendum, refusing to recognize the outcomes of the 24 August referendum and threatening to report the irregularities to the International Court.

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