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среда, август 28, 2002

Arts In Brief


Indian embassy issues first cultural bulletin

The Indian embassy in Azerbaijan has launched a new color bulletin, Indian Culture starting August, with a preface by the Indian ambassador in Baku Dinkar Khullar and news in Azeri and English. The first issue introduces arts and culture news from India, undertakings held by the embassy and its activities, the first visit of the renowned Indian film star and director Rajh Kapur to Baku in 1956, the festival of Indian films in Azerbaijan in 2001, as well as construction of the medieval Atasgah temple of fire worshippers in Suraxani district of Baku by merchants from India and other interesting data. The 20 page bulletin also includes colored photos.

Youth theater for Germany

UNESCO has announced 2002 the year of Nazim Hikmat, the Great Turkish poet, as different undertakings are being held all over the world, including in Turkey, the motherland of the poet. One of these undertakings will be a theater festival, Dialogue-Theater in Dresden, Germany on 2 October organized by the Turkish-German Cultural Union. Representing Azerbaijan in the event with financial support from the Soros Foundation will be the Youth Theater led by chief producer Huseynaga Atakisiyev. The Azeri company will enact the Cow play based on the novel by N. Hikmat, according to the theater.

Musicians performing in Norway

An Azeri music delegation comprising the people's artist, tar players Ramiz Quliyev and his son Ayyub and pianist Zulfiyya Sadiqova have left for Norway with financial support from the Norwegian embassy in Azerbaijan to take part in a 42 nation music festival. The Azeri musicians will perform works by Azeri composers Uzeyir Hacibayov, Fikrat Amirov, Vasif Adigozalov and world classics. The festival will last till 31 August.

Azeri film for int'l festival

An Azeri film, The Accidental Meeting, directed by Samil Aliyev will be demonstrated in a traditional international film festival Leafage with representatives from CIS and Baltic states in Minsk, Byelorussia on 23-29 November, according to the Film producer center. The scriptwriter of the melodrama shot in 2000 is Narmina Quliyeva.

First book of poems published

The first book of poems, Signs of the Sun by the contributor of the Azernews newspaper and AssA-Irada news agency Sevinc Heydarova, the author of ecological articles, has been published.

According to the editor of the publication, well-known poet Siyavus Mammadzada, the author, who is the member of the Union of Writers and regularly issued articles in the Literaturniy Azerbaijan and other periodicals has professionally created poems full of lyrics. Sponsoring the book with four chapters is Vector international scientific center.

World-famous Egyptian actress due

The cultural center of the Egyptian embassy in Baku in association with the Azeri Ministry of Culture is planning to hold days of Egyptian films in Baku this fall. World-famous Egyptian actress Magda popular for her part in famous Youngsters, is expected to pay her first visit to Baku on this occasion, according to the center. Also a TV link-up with Egyptian actor and film director Yusif Shahin will be organized during the event. Dubbing the demonstrated films with support from the Culture Ministry will be Azeri oriental scientists.

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