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среда, август 28, 2002

News Digest


Aliyev's son gets prosperous recognition

General Director of Azmedia analytical information agency Fuzuli Qurbanli unveiled the outcomes of a public opinion poll "A new political leader in Azerbaijan and image making" among 300 respondents, 60 percent men and 40 percent women, in a news conference Friday. In the survey, Turkish Vice-Premier Devlet Bahcecli has polled 20.3 percent of the votes as a foreign policy maker and President Aliyev was recognized the best Azeri politician, while Musavat leader Isa Qambar came second. The respondents have recognized President Aliyev's son, SOCAR Vice-President Ilham Aliyev as the most prosperous politician, giving 69 percent of their vote. The surveyed would like to see Azerbaijan's new leader patriotic, democrat and firm.

Privatization of Int'l Bank

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is negotiating with the Azeri government over the privatization of the International Bank of Azerbaijan, it said Tuesday. The government owns 51 percent of the IBA's shares, but will have only 5 percent after selling 26 percent to local and 20 percent to foreign shareholders, the EBRD for example. The IBA with a charter capital of 33bn manat is presumed to be the healthiest bank in the South Caucasus.

Motor march along Baku-Ceyhan

The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan, Turkish Botas, the Georgian Oil Corporation, and other organizations have sponsored a motor march that started from Baku's Azneft Square to the Turkish Mediterranean port of Ceyhan Monday. 12 motorcycle riders are moving along the route with a symbolic barrel of Azeri crude in a third similar trip called Oil Odyssey. Also among the marchers are 30 artists from the Rasid Behbudov Theater of Song to give concerts in residential settlements and refugee towns. 30-40 motorcycles will join the march in Georgia before the finish in Ceyhan on 5 September. The purpose of the motor tour initiated by US journalist Thomas Holst is to keep the world community informed of the socio-political situation in the BTC host countries.

Cool weather to survive

Weather is expected to be cool in Baku and Abseron Peninsular until the end of August, while relative moisture will increase by 85-90 percent, according to the Hydrometeorology Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources. Weather will be a little cloudy with a northeast wind from Wednesday till Friday. The temperature will be 25-27 degrees in the daytime and 17-22 at night. Short showers are also expected Friday. The water temperature at Abseron beaches will be 22-24 degrees, while the barometric pressure will read 764 millimeters.

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