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среда, август 21, 2002



Presidents committed to ceasefire, private peace talks

While Armenian defense chief turns out uncompromising

Azeri and Armenian Presidents Aliyev and Kocharian met face-to-face in the Azeri enclave of Naxcivan last Wednesday following recent military clashes that led to human losses.

The Presidents have agreed to stick to the ceasefire and continue peace talks in this format.

They also expressed willingness to stimulate the activities of the OSCE Minsk Group.

The two met for four hours at Turkey bordering Sadarak in Naxcivan also adjoining Iran and Armenia.

Following the closed door meeting, the two appeared in front of journalists in what many say was satisfaction.

Both presidents voiced their content with the outcomes of the meeting, declining to specify for the sake of confidentiality.


Azeri and Armenian Defense Ministers Safar Abiyev and Serj Sarkisian met to exchange views on the meeting of the two country's presidents.

They were accompanying their leaders in the peace talks.

The Armenian defense chief seemed highly uncompromising to the status of the disputed Qarabag, saying “Qarabag will never belong to Azerbaijan”.

In an interview with Azeri journalists, Sarkisian said his nation still preferred a package solution to the Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict. Asked if the delay in the resolution could throw the two countries into war again, Sarkisian noted that "renewed war could cause even more damage than before".

Sarkisian went on a rampage, breaking off the interview, being asked about growing confrontation of local and Qarabag Armenians and calls for President Kocharian's ouster.


President Aliyev came back from his five day visit to Naxcivan Thursday, briefing journalists at the Bina Airport of Baku on the outcomes of the trip.

The President said he had fulfilled his visit schedule, which included meeting Armenian President Kochaian and implementing a program to better Naxcivan's social and economic conditions.

The Azeri leader said it was inappropriate to specify the meeting with Kocharian. On Armenian Defense Minister Serj Sarkisian's statement that Armenia will never accept any status of Upper Qarabagh within Azerbaijan, President Aliyev said "I have talked with President Kocharian, and everyone is free to express their views".

The social and economic situation in the autonomous Naxcivan republic is getting better, with establishment of a local branch of the National Academy of Sciences, reconstruction of the Naxcivan Airport and other issues.


The Turkish Foreign Ministry has called the meeting of Azeri and Armenian Presidents "a positive step", as its Press secretary Yusuf Buluc has said that Ankara's aim is restoration of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and end to the Armenian occupation.

The Turkish diplomat voiced hope that "the meeting of the two leaders will be a step forward in this regard"

Russia has also reportedly backed the face-to-face talks of the two presidents.

Azeri, Georgian journalists issue economic bulletin

The Association of Azerbaijan Women Journalists and the Georgian International Association of Free Journalists are expected to hold a joint Internet conference in Baku to focus on the joint Economic Bulletin project. Azeri and Georgian journalists and economists will be able to establish an audio-visual link-up with technical assistance from Azeurotel during the conference.

The journalists of the two countries have issued 24 bulletins in six months from February till June this year as part of the joint project. The bulletins distributed through the world wide web include oil, gas and communications news on Azerbaijan and banking developments on Georgia.

Committee for suburban rights convenes

The Committee for Human Rights of Nardaran residents met at the Press Club of Baku Thursday, with representatives from political parties, human rights activists, OSCE officials, and elders from the settlement in attendance.

The committee focused on the Nardaran clashes, saying they had nothing to do with any particular party. The elders from Nardaran said they had held what they called four fruitless meetings with government members and declared they would meet only President Aliyev. The natives from the volatile settlement commended Baku Mayor Hacibala Abutalibov for his contribution to the resolution of some problems.

The elders stated they would never take part in the 24 August constitutional referendum until their arrested co-villagers were released.

Region feels quake

An earthquake hit Balakan province in northwest Azerbaijan Saturday, as people reportedly felt four tremors, local media reported. However, the report hasn’t been independently confirmed by the government.

Each of the temblors allegedly measured over three points in the Richter scale in an earthquake believed to have been centered in Georgia. Media has said some of the houses in Balakan gave way to cracks.

18,342 enter universities

18,342 school graduates will continue their education in universities this year, chairperson of the State Commission for Student Admission Maleyka Abbaszada told a traditional news conference at the New Azerbaijan Party Friday. 15,000 out of 72,000 university hopefuls have been lucky, with 3,342 more joining them in the second selection round.

The number of students has been below last year, as the admission point is now lower. Only 2 percent of the examination takers could score more than 500 points, while 41 percent showed below 100, 27 percent between 100 and 200, 16 percent between 200 and 300, and 14 percent between 300 and 500 points.

First national champ of hair stylists

The first national championship of hair stylists was held in the Europe Hotel of Baku Friday, with participation of 28 stylists and cosmetologists from Baku, Naxcivan and Sumgayit. The jury included 9 professional hair designers.

Casual hairstyles were shown in the first day of the three-stage contest, while long hair designs and original haircuts were displayed in the second and third stages.

The winners were awarded in three nominations, with the first place winner, Elmira Mehdiyeva, to represent Azerbaijan in the Rose festival due in Paris this September.

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