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среда, август 21, 2002

Racket newspapers announced

aвтор: By Azernews Staff

The racket newspapers have been announced during a two-day workshop in Nabran resort area, northeast Azerbaijan, on the problems of Azeri press.

The workshop "Transition period in Azeri journalism: problems and prospects" was organized by Ruh journalistic protection committee with bp sponsorship.

Attending the seminar were editors-in-chief of the nation's leading media, local and foreign experts and lawyers.

Speaking on the racketeers, head of the Trade Union of Journalists Azer Hasrat said that only 2,000-3,000 out of 23,000 press people are true journalists. He has noted wide-spread racketeering among journalists, calling it “begging”.

Mr. Hasrat was supported by editors of key newspapers in Azerbaijan.

Speakers described the work-style of such newspapers, which provide a publication on President Aliyev with his big picture in the front page to win authority, announcing exposing articles about business people and enterprise executives in other pages.


The workshop listened to reports on "Professional ethics: law and principles of behavior regulation", "Self-regulation perspectives of Azeri media", "Public relations and journalism", "Role of journalistic organizations in media self-regulation", and "Rising journalists: situation in this field".

Speaking to the seminar were Ruh chairman Aflatun Amasov, head of the President's Office Socio-Political Department Ali Hasanov, chairman of Journalists' Union, Yeni Nasil, Arif Aliyev, and President of NGO Forum Azay Quliyev.

Mr. Hasanov spoke of the government's support to form an independent media in the country, stressing the importance of loans to independent media and provision of privileges. He vowed fair distribution of the aid.

bp was represented by bp Azerbaijan President David Woodward, Vice-President Roger Nan and public relations manager Tamam Bayatli.

bp President pledged in his speech to take a close part in the life of Azerbaijan.

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