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среда, июнь 25, 2003

Presidential election round-up


So far the following twelve candidates have declared themselves to be running for the post of president in the fall elections: Yunus Oguz (National Unity), Elsad Musayev (Great Azerbaijan), Araz Alizada (Social-Democrat), Ali Karimli (People Front Party, reformers), Gudrat Hasanquliyev (PFPA, unifiers), Lala-Sovkat Haciyeva (Liberal), Etibar Mammadov (Party of National Independence), Heydar Aliyev and Ilham Aliyev (Motherland party), Ilyas Ismayilov (Adalat), Isa Qambar (Musavat), Rasul Quliyev (Azerbaijan Democrat Party).

Ruling party nominates Heydar Aliyev for presidency
The ruling New Azerbaijan Party's (NAP) Political Council held a meeting at the  Theater of Song after Rashid Behbudov on Monday. The NAP members unanimously re-confirmed a decision on nominating chairman of the party, Heydar Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan, at the upcoming presidential elections, made at the second congress of the party in 2001. "Solution to the Upper Qarabag conflict under the principles of Azerbaijan's national interests and justice is the centerpiece of President Heydar Aliyev's electoral platform," NAP Executive Secretary Ali Ahmadov told a news conference on Monday.
President Aliyev's platform also calls for consolidation of political stability and public order, acceleration of economic development and enhancement of the country's role in the international arena, Mr. Ahmadov underscored.
Member of the NAP Political Council, MP Aydin Mirzazada, when asked whether the ruling party might join the elections with one more candidate, said NAP is a surprise-free party.

OSCE to monitor election campaign
OSCE experts on democratic institutions and human rights will arrive in Baku in late June-early July to assess the election campaign. A spokesman for the OSCE Baku Office has told journalists that during the visit, experts will get acquainted with the situation in the country in the run-up to the elections. The data collected will help them draw up a program to monitor the presidential polls. The OSCE's leadership has already opted to deploy observers in Azerbaijan, believing that on-the-spot inspection will reveal how many officers will be required, when they should arrive, and how long their monitoring routines should last. As a rule, the OSCE sends observers at least five weeks before elections, the spokesman said.

CEC approves constituencies
The Central Election Commission (CEC) in its Saturday meeting considered a number of issues. Speaking at the gathering, Deputy chairman of the CEC Svetlana Qasimova said 125 constituencies had been established throughout the country with a view to ensure the participation of 4,457,904 electorates during the presidential polls. According to Mrs. Qasimova, 29 constituencies had been set up in Baku, 4 in Ganca and Sumqayit each, while the rest in other cities and Districts of the country.

IDU adopts statement on elections
A meeting of the International Democratic Union (IDU) held in Halkidiki, Greece on June 17-18 discussed the developments circulating in European countries and the forthcoming presidential elections in Azerbaijan.
Chairman of the Party for National Independence of Azerbaijan (PNIA) Etibar Mammadov, who also took part in the gathering, has told AssA-Irada that the meeting adopted a statement on Azerbaijan which envisions IDU's concern over the organization of presidential elections to be held in Azerbaijan this fall. He said IDU also expressed its dissatisfaction with the previous elections held in Azerbaijan, particularly mentioning that the electoral register should be published so that experts could conduct independent researches. Mr. Mammadov went on saying that IDU would support the PNIA chairman's nomination in the upcoming presidential elections.
IDU, admitting the PNIA in 1999, has about 80 members from various world nations.

Finance Ministry transfers 5bn to CEC
The Finance Ministry has remitted 5bn manats out of 22bn manats to the Central Election Commission's (CEC) account from the state budget for presidential elections in Azerbaijan, Finance Minister Avaz Alakbarov has told AssA-Irada. According to him, the rest funds will be allotted by portions as the CEC spends them.
The CEC will direct the assignments to form the election commissions in the constituencies and polling stations, including their necessary equipment, preparation of agitation products, as well as printing the ballot papers.

Unsanctioned picket prevented
The police prevented the attempts by the Azerbaijan Democratic, National Independence and Civil Solidarity parties to arrange a protest action in front of the Central Election Commission (CEC) on Wednesday, chanting free and fair elections, equal conditions for the candidacies for presidency, as the Baku Mayoral Office did not sanction the picket. 25 democrats were arrested during the clashes with the police, and brought to the Police Precinct #39. The Precinct has told AssA-Irada 11 detainees were released in the second half of the day. Six ADP members were sentenced to 15 days of imprisonment, while another party member, 72-year old Hidayat Abbasov was sentenced to 10 days of imprisonment.

Musavat leader nominated for presidency 
A Wednesday meeting of the Musavat Party's Assembly nominated the party leader Isa Qambar for the presidency, the party has told AssA-Irada. The gathering also decided to set up the party's election headquarters, as the party's Deputy Chairman Arif Hacili was appointed chairman of the headquarters. Also attending the meeting were executives of the parties incorporated in "Our Azerbaijan" election bloc. Mr. Qambar comes as the eleventh candidature nominated by political parties.

Democrats nominate Rasul Quliyev 
The VII Extraordinary conference of the Azerbaijan Democratic Party (ADP), arranged at its headquarters on Sunday, focused on the issue of nominating a candidate for the upcoming presidential elections. The partakers of the conference unanimously put forward the nomination of party  chairman Rasul Quliyev for presidency. Attending the ceremony were leader of the Party for National Independence of Azerbaijan (PNIA) Etibar Mammadov, chairman of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA, reformers) Ali Karimli and head of the Musavat Party Isa Qambar. Rasul Quliyev has become the 12th candidate nominated for presidency from the political parties.

Election bloc enlarged
Twenty political parties signed an agreement at the Press Club of Baku on Saturday on participating in the forthcoming presidential elections with a common candidate within "Our Azerbaijan" election bloc. Taking into account the efficiency of the integration of opposition forces and combining of efforts to hold transparent and democratic elections, the party leaders decided to run for polls with a common nominee. Signing the document, leaders of Greens, Modern Turan, New Turan, National Intellect, Republican People, Free Azerbaijan, Democratic Right, Turk Nationalist, People Salvation, Democratic Union, Democratic Socialist-People, Union of Turkish World, Popular Front Party (classics), Azerbaijan People, Umid, Ahrar, Musavat, Azadliq, People Azadliq, and National Confidence parties approved the nomination of chairman of the Musavat Party Isa Qambar for presidency.

Alliance to support PNIA chairman's nomination
Twelve political parties set up a new bloc, Alliance, at the headquarters of the Taraqqi Party on Saturday. The speakers at the gathering noted that the newly established bloc aimed to influence on the ongoing developments in the country, as right positions of parties on political developments will be taken as a basis while admission to the Alliance. The Alliance would name its candidate for presidency after specifying the positions of several parties. The Alliance most probably would support the nomination of chairman of the Party for National Independence of Azerbaijan (PNIA), Etibar Mamedov. For time being, the Alliance, which is expected to incorporate 21 parties, includes the National Democratic Party (Gray Wolf-chairman Isgandar Hamidov), the Whole Azerbaijan (Karrar Abilov), Popular Movement (Nasir Agayev), Taraqqi (Cingiz Damiroglu), Vahdat (Tahir Karimli), and Republicans.

Bakuvians nominate former ALP leader for presidency
A group of public representatives of Baku supporting the nomination of former chairperson of the Azerbaijan Liberal Party (ALP) Lala-Sovkat Haciyeva for presidency, initiated an undertaking at the Cultural Center after Xatai on Saturday. Praising Mrs. Haciyeva's political activities, speakers at the gathering said the former ADP leader had brought the culture of resignation to Azerbaijan's politics. The participants in the undertaking unanimously nominated L. S. Haciyeva for presidency on behalf of Baku residents. Then addressing the meeting with more than 800 attendees, Mrs. Haciyeva said she had wished to see her nation proud, state wealthy and country united. She pledged that she will succeed in national reconciliation by all means, reduce bribery and corruption to its lowest level, settle the Upper Qarabag conflict within two years, or else  resign to announce new presidential elections, as well as increase the state budget's capitals up to 5bn US dollars within a year, and spend the incomes of the State Oil Fund on the development of the country's non-oil sector and education.
L. S. Haciyeva was first nominated for presidency by the ADP.

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