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среда, май 14, 2003

US grants to strengthen GUUAM


The US State Department has granted $46m to strengthen the activity of GUUAM, a regional organisation uniting Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Moldova.

Commenting on the support, Foreign Minister Vilayat Quliyev told AssA-Irada that the grant money will be mobilised for projects aimed to fight terrorism, smuggling and drug trafficking, as well as to modernise check and frontier posts, etc.

Meanwhile, the GUUAM Foreign ministers meeting planned for May 18-20 in Tibilisi has been postponed due to the inability of some ministers to attend on those dates. The gathering was to discuss preparation for a GUUAM summit to be held in Yalta, the Ukraine in July.

The conference was also to discuss international terrorism, organised crime and drug trafficking.

No new date for the meeting has been set thus far.

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