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вторник, апрель 1, 2003

Xocali massacre in black and white


A new novel entitled "Xocali Tragedy" has come out in Azerbaijan. Written by Inqlab Valizada and Aliaga Cafarli, the book is based on historical facts, memories of eye-witnesses saved from the 26 February 1992 massacre committed against civilian Azeris by the 'soldiers' of the Russian-Armenian military alliance, and narratives by women, children and the elderly, taken prisoner by Armenian terrorists.

With heavy hearts, the authors described atrocities committed by Armenian terrorists against the Azeris in the land of Qarabag overnight that has gone down in history as a genocide of the Azeris. Basing themselves on what was spoken of by the eye-witnesses, the authors have revealed five more torture methods and atrocities, in addition to the 27 known so far.

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