12 окт.
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© Leshinski
Все записи | Паpламентские новости
вторник, апрель 16, 2002

MP calls to debate election falsification


An MP, chairman of the PFPA reform wing Ali Karimli called in a parliamentary session Tuesday to discuss falsification cases in the recent by-elections to the Azerbaijan parliament on April 12.

The parliamentarian claimed cases of mass falsification and violation of election law in polling stations #1, 2, 3, 34, and 35 of Narimanov election district #24, where the member of the PFPA Arif Pashayev was running for the Milli Majlis, as observers and proxies for candidates were forcibly evicted from the polling stations.

Commenting on the statement by the opposition-minded MP, first vice-premier Arif Rahimzadeh said the parliament would discuss the issue if there were official reports of falsification cases.*

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