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Все записи | Религия
суббота, август 11, 2001

New committee to analyze performance of clerical organizations


There are around 2,000 mosques, churches, temples, communities and other small clerical organizations in Azerbaijan, of which only 410 are registered by the state, according to the chairman of the state committee for religious affairs Rafig Ailyev.

Under the law “On freedom of religion”, non-citizens of Azerbaijan are forbidden to engage in religious propaganda in Azerbaijan, therefore, the new committee is currently involved in a whole range of measures. Dr. Aliyev indicated that foreign nationals teach at Azerbaijan’s theological schools, 90% of which have yet to undergo state registration. Their work will be discussed soon and text-books and curricula examined, he said.

Dr. Aliyev did not rule out the threat of Wahabism in Azerbaijan, but so far such an organization has not been registered. This sect has supporters in the northern provinces of Azerbaijan and in Baku. Dr Aliyev added that according to the Azerbaijan legislation, any religious entity can operate in Azerbaijan.

As far as the adoption of Christianity by some Azerbaijanis is concerned, Dr. Aliyev said he had no exact figures on hand.

To inform the population of various religious movements, the committee intends to start publishing information bulletins in September-October. Besides, the committee is going to analyze the work of registered and unregistered organizations.

Dr. Aliyev concluded that a new text-book, “Basic religion”, had been prepared for senior school students and that this subject will be taught at secondary schools since this year.*

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