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суббота, март 17, 2007

Scores injured in Baku skyscraper accident


Five people were injured in a construction accident downtown Baku on Thursday afternoon. One of the hospitalized persons is in critical condition.

The topside of a 21-storeyed building being constructed by the Neptun company on the intersection of the Nizami and Fikrat Amirov Streets collapsed as a result of the pouring of concrete under pressure. A special commission has been set up to investigate the causes of the accident, Deputy Minister of Emergencies Orujali Hajiyev said.

A dozen passers-by as well as 20 cars were reportedly damaged as well.

Special units of the emergencies ministry are carrying out cleaning operations in the building.

Deputy prosecutor of the Sabayil district Elchin Sultanov said a criminal case has been opened.*

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