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вторник, январь 9, 2007

Major market hit by fire


A fire broke out at the major Bina market located near the Heydar Aliyev International Airport of Baku on Tuesday morning. No human casualties are reported.

Firefighters rushed to scene to put out the fire that burnt to ashes eight storages. The owners of the storages did not disclose the magnitude of the inflicted damage, but the goods stored there are said to be worth a total of $500,000.

The trade center executives said it will be known after the accident is fully investigated whether or not the traders will receive compensations.

According to initial reports, the fire was caused by a short circuit on electricity wires but other possibilities, including an arson, will be looked into as well.

This is the third such accident in the past two years. During the previous fire, which burnt down 600 trade outlets, some allegations also circulated that the fire could have been set deliberately.*

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