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пятница, декабрь 24, 2004

8% of Azeris carry thalassemia gene


There are currently over 2,000 people suffering from average or severe forms of thalassemia (related to low levels of hemoglobin in blood) in Azerbaijan. The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts that if prevention of the disease is not conducted properly, the number of people affected by the disease and the funds spent on such activities will sharply increase, according to parliament member Vasatat Azizov.

Azizov said that along with the severe forms of thalassemia, there are numerous people in the country that carry the thalassemia gene. Azizov noted that this pathological gene transfers to these people’s children and that 8% of Azeris carry it. The MP emphasized that a state program on fighting thalassemia was passed in Azerbaijan in 1993, but its implementation has not begun due to financial constraints.

$10,000 is required every year for the treatment of each person suffering from the disease. Only a small group of people affected by the disease in the country are currently receiving proper treatment, he added.

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