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вторник, ноябрь 16, 2004

Azercell subscribers to get talk units via ATMs, Internet


Mobile communications operator Azercell Telecom JV has introduced new services for its subscribers, ATMOdemeCell and WebOdemeCell. This will allow holders of credit and debit cards to load units via automatic teller machines (ATMs) and the Internet without having to buy SimSim cards.

SimSim subscribers holding debit or credit cards will now be able to load talk units to their numbers via ATMs, which have an agreement with the Azericard processing center, while those holding the International Bank of Azerbaijan (IBA) cards on the Web.

Holders of IBA bank cards will be able to increase their balance by uploading the appropriate amount of units on the IBA web-site, www.ibar.аz. In the future, such payments will be made through the Web-page of Azercell Telecom.

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