Naimi Shahabaddin Fadlullah Tabrizi Astrabadi (1339-1393)- Azerbaijan thin... Люди. Энциклопедия Баку и Азербайджана. Информация о событиях и людях, имеющих отношение к Баку и Азербайджану.">
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Энциклопедия / Люди

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Naimi Shahabaddin Fadlullah Tabrizi Astrabadi (1339-1393)- Azerbaijan thinker and poet, famous in medieval Near and Middle East. Standing at sophistic viewpoint in his early poetry later he founded a new philosophic and religious direction, called Hurufism. Due to this the Orient knew him also as Al-hurufi. Naimi commented the theoretical bases of Hurufism in his Jawidani-Shagir, Majabbat-nama, Arshnama, Novmnama and Divan. But his major writing is Jawidani-Kabir (Jawidan-nama). Naimi's hurufistic ideas bore mystic nature. According to him, God is incarnated in nature, things and human beings. Hurufis considered Naimi an incarnation of God on the Earth and the person who would abolish injustice. As to Naimi's views, God is also embodied in words and 28 letters of Arabic alphabet and 32 letters of Persian one are the basis for love and beauty in the world. For propagating hurufism and struggling against the ruling clique, Miran Shah, the son of Timur (Tamerlaine), with his father's command first arrested Naimi and kept him in Alinja Castle in Nahchivan and then killed him in 796 (1393 A.D.). With a rope fastened to his leg Naimi was dragged along the streets. While in prison Naimi wrote his Vasiyyatnama that contained his testament to his followers. After his death Naimi's ideas were developed and propagated by Nasimi and Ali-ul A'la in Azerbaijan and Seyid Ishag in Turkey. The manuscript of Naimi's Mahabbatnama is in Matenadaran Museum in Yerevan, Armenia, some other his manuscripts are in Saint Petersburg Institute of Asian and African Peoples.

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