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четверг, апрель 1, 2010

Azerbaijani Language Classes

aвтор: miau ®
Dear friends,
Houston Azerbaijanis (HA) and Azerbaijani- American Cultural Alliance (AACA) would like to announce the new initiative - Azerbaijani language classes. These classes are designed for the Azerbaijani children who grow up in the United States and have a very limited chance to learn their mother language. We realize that most of the parents often do not have time to teach Azerbaijani to their chidlren due to busy work schedules, and all our children learn in US is English at school or Spanish/Russian from teachers at daycare and babysitters.
This new project is a great chance for us, as community activists, and you, as parents, to tackle a problem that worries all of us - preservation of the Azerbaijani heritage. Let's do something about it and teach our language and culture to our children.
Before we set the schedule and start the classes, we would like to know your opinion. We need to know how many children will be enrolled, and whether there is an interest in this project at all. Therefore, we ask all the parents to indicate if they would like their children to attend the classes.
The venue is kindly provided by AACA - the classes will be held at Turquoise Center. The classes will be covering written and spoken Azerbaijani starting from the alphabet and very basics. We aim for the mid-April, but the dates and schedules are subject to change based on your preference.
Although the classes will start from the basics of the language, adults who would like to attend are welcome to do so.
Please respond and share your thoughts.
Best regards,
Houston Azerbaijanis & Azerbaijani- American Cultural Alliance
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